

Nikki Freeburn


Nikki became immersed in creating unique cannabinoid formulas after being “directed” by the cannabis plant itself to remember Ancient Tonics and to further support this integrative field with a complimentary herbal tea range and other nutritional formulas. With many clients experiencing success and changes on multiple levels and collaborating with other inspiring cannabis advocates and wellness practitioners, these endeavors continue to grow, develop and evolve. As nature itself reminds us.

Nikki is also the inspiration behind the Natural Lore Practitioner Certification, and was key in developing the initial Cannabis Clinic processes in 2014.

BJ Futter

BJ stands for the recognition of “Cannabis is Food” as a fundamental Human Right Issue, and demands we act upon change, and not just debate it. BJ has dedicated himself to the awareness and re-education of the crucial role of Food as our Medicine in the hope that we can lessen the burden of pain and disease – both on the individual and their families. This burden also rests on the community and healthcare infrastructure as both medical costs and disease continue to rise. BJ is a passionate man who believes in the equality of all and our innate sovereign right to choose what is best for our health and wellness, for ourselves, our family and community.

Dr Andrew Katelaris

For the last 20 years Dr Andrew Katelaris has been on a mission to end the 80-year cannabis prohibition in Australia. In this time, he has become one of our most passionate cannabis activists who has been lobbying the government to achieve the right for every Australian to have affordable access to Cannabis in its safe natural form. In the past few years Dr Andrew has followed his passion to end childhood epilepsy, which he felt became more increasingly important after spending time with children and their families living with intractable epilepsy, with many of these families exhausting all the available allopathic options.Â